Friday, 22 November 2013

Unit Test Coverage

What is Unit Test Coverage?

   Use the isTest annotation to define classes or individual methods that only contain code used for testing your application. The isTest annotation is similar to creating methods declared as testMethod. Classes defined with the isTest annotation don't count against your organization limit of 3MB for all Apex code. Individual methods defined with the isTest annotation do count against your organization limits starting with Apex code saved using API version 24.0, test methods don’t have access by default to pre-existing data in the organization. However, test code saved against API version 23.0 or earlier continues to have access to all data in the organization and its data access is unchanged. Classes and methods defined as isTest can be either private or public. Classes defined as isTest must be top-level classes.
This is an example of a private test class that contains two test methods.
private class MyTestClass {
   // Methods for testing
   @isTest static void test1() {
      // Implement test code
   @isTest static void test2() {
      // Implement test code
This is an example of a public test class that contains a utility method for test data creation:
public class TestUtil {
   public static void createTestData() {
      // Create some test invoices
Classes defined as isTest can't be interfaces or enums.
Methods of a public test class can only be called from a running test, that is, a test method or code invoked by a test method, and can't be called by a non-test request


 the HelloWorld Class shows an Apex function that tests whether the text of a string matches "Hello World" or not.
// HelloWord Class
public class HelloWorld {
  public static String isHelloWorld(String myString) {
    if (myString.equals('Hello World')) return 'Yes it is!'; // Line 1
    else return 'No it is not!': // Line 2
The verifyIsHelloWorld test method exercises our gratuitous example
 // verifyIsHelloWorld test method
private class TEST_HelloWorld {
  static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorld () {
    String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld ('Hello World');
    System.assert(outcome == 'Yes it is!', 'Expected positive message.') ;
At this point, we have 66% test coverage, because our test exercises only one of the two statements in isHelloWorld (line 1). 
To bring test coverage up to 100%, we need to add another test method.
 // Another test method
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldFalse() {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld ('Hello Kitty');
  System.assert(outcome == 'No it is not!', 'Expected negative message.') ;
With both of these test methods in play, our code now has 100% coverage.

Why is test coverage important? has high standards for its own code and expects custom Apex code to also be robust and error-free. One of the best ways to increase code quality is to encourage developers to write unit tests. 
While it's possible for developers to boost code coverage with pointless tests, hardcore coders see unit tests as a way to release better code sooner -- the keyword being "release". The time spent on proactive unit testing is a trade-off with the time spent on reactive debugging. We can find our own bugs ourselves with unit tests, or wait and fix them later when a feature comes back with a QA ticket attached.
 In my own work, I've found that the best way to ensure that code has adequate test coverage to practice test-driven development (TDD).

What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?
 For the uninitiated, a classic way to bootstrap unit testing (and TDD) is to start with defect reports. Before fixing a bug, a developer first writes a test that proves that the defect exists. For example, if someone reports that isHelloWorld fails if we pass in a null string, we could start with a test like the one shown by verifyIsHelloWorldNull.

// verifyIsHelloWorldNull
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldNull() {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld (null);
  System.assert(outcome == 'No it is not!', 'Expected negative message.') ;
If we run this test, it raises an exception “System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object”.

Since an exception counts as a failing test, we can proceed with the fix, say, by changing the code from:
 | if (myString.equals('Hello World')) return 'Yes it is!'; // Line 1
| if 'HelloWorld'.equals('myString') return 'Yes it is!'; // Line 1
and maybe, for good measure, including a fourth test case for an empty string.

// Test for empty String   
final static String EMPTY = '';
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldEmpty() {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld (EMPTY);
  System.assert(outcome == 'No it is not!', 'Expected negative message.') ;

Once all of our tests are passing, we could even refactor the code, and improve the internal design by using a constant and a single comparison.

// Code refactored
public class HelloWorld {
   public final static String HELLO_WORLD = 'Hello World';
   public final static String YES_WORLD = 'Yes it is!';
   public final static String NO_WORLD = 'No it is not!';
   public static String isHelloWorld(String myString) {
        return (HELLO_WORLD.equals(myString)) ? YES_WORLD : NO_WORLD;
If our tests pass (they do), we can be confident that our refactoring did not break the code's external behaviour. Passing tests give us the courage to refine existing code and improve the internal design. The key idea behind TDD is to "never write a line of code without a failing test". If we are going to write the test anyway, better to write it first, code to the test, and receive full benefit for the time we invest.

How do we test code that doesn't exist?
 In an Apex environment, a unit test usually operates at the class level. To bootstrap testing a class or method that does not exist, we can start coding the test, create a stub class with stub methods, sufficient to compile the test, confirm that it fails, and then fill-in functionality to pass the test.
Let’s start over from scratch. First, we should define our requirements for the isHelloWorld method.

// isHelloWorld requirements

 * The isHelloWorld method determines if a String equals 'Hello World'.
 * (1) Given the String 'Hello World', the method returns "Yes, it Is."
 * (2) Given some other String, the method returns 'No, it is not!'.
 * (3) Given a null or empty string, the method returns 'No, it is not!'.
Then, we can write a "happy path" test for the first requirement.
 // A happy path test for requirement (1)
final static String POSITIVE = 'Expected positive message.';
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorld () {
    String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld ('Hello World');
    System.assert(outcome == HelloWorld.YES_WORLD,POSITIVE ) ;
provide a stub Hello World class to compile the test

// A HelloWorld stub class
public class HelloWorld {
  public static String isHelloWorld(String myString) {
    return null;
add just enough behavior to pass one test for one requirement

// Coding requirement (1)
public final static String HELLO_WORLD = 'Hello World';
public final static String YES_WORLD = 'Yes it is!';   
public static String isHelloWorld(String myString) {
  return HELLO_WORLD.equals(myString) ? YES_WORLD : return null;
then another requirement

// Testing requirement (2)
final static String NEGATIVE =’Expected negative message.’;
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldFalse () {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld ('Hello Kitty');
  System.assert(outcome == HelloWorld.NO_WORLD,NEGATIVE ) ;

// Coding requirements (1) and (2)
 public final static String HELLO_WORLD = 'Hello World';
 public final static String YES_WORLD = 'Yes it is!';
 public final static String NO_WORLD = 'No it is not!';
 public static String isHelloWorld(String myString) {
   return HELLO_WORLD.equals(myString) ? YES_WORLD : NO_WORLD;

and a third

// Testing requirement (3)
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldNull() {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld (null);
  System.assert(outcome == HelloWorld.NO_WORLD,NEGATIVE );
final static String EMPTY = '';
static testMethod void verifyIsHelloWorldEmpty() {
  String outcome = HelloWorld.isHelloWorld (EMPTY);
  System.assert(outcome == HelloWorld.NO_WORLD,NEGATIVE );

For requirement 3, we added two test methods, but did not need to change any code, since the current implementation passed the tests.
 To fully test the method, we might also add a test for a string of maximum length, so that we test both boundaries. But, as it stands, we have 100% test coverage, and a test for each stated requirement, which meets my own personal "definition of done".

Three takeaways from this exercise are: 
·       Never write a line of code without a failing test.
·       Test every requirement, one requirement at a time.
·       Passing tests give us the courage to refactor.

isTest(SeeAllData=true) Annotation
For Apex code saved using API version 24.0 and later, use theisTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation to grant test classes and individual test methods access to all data in the organization, including pre-existing data that the test didn’t create. Starting with Apex code saved using API version 24.0, test methods don’t have access by default to pre-existing data in the organization. However, test code saved against API version 23.0 or earlier continues to have access to all data in the organization and its data access is unchanged. 

Considerations of the IsTest(SeeAllData=true) Annotation
  • If a test class is defined with the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation, this annotation applies to all its test methods whether the test methods are defined with the @isTest annotation or thetestmethod keyword.
  • The isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation is used to open up data access when applied at the class or method level. However, using isTest(SeeAllData=false) on a method doesn’t restrict organization data access for that method if the containing class has already been defined with the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation. In this case, the method will still have access to all the data in the organization.

This example shows how to define a test class with the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation. All the test methods in this class have access to all data in the organization.
// All test methods in this class can access all data.
public class TestDataAccessClass {
    // This test accesses an existing merchandise item.
    // It also creates and accesses a new test merchandise item.
    static testmethod void myTestMethod1() {
        // Query an existing merchandise item in the organization.
        Merchandise__c m = [SELECT Id, Price__c, Total_Inventory__c, Description__c
                            FROM Merchandise__c WHERE Name='Pencils' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(m != null);
        // Create a test merchandise item based on the queried merchandise item.
        Merchandise__c testMerchandise = m.clone();
        testMerchandise.Name = 'Test Pencil';
        insert testMerchandise;       
        // Query the test merchandise that was inserted.
        Merchandise__c testMerchandise2 = [SELECT Id, Price__c, Total_Inventory__c
                            FROM Merchandise__c WHERE Name='Test Pencil' LIMIT 1];
        System.assert(testMerchandise2 != null);
    // Like the previous method, this test method can also access all data
    // because the containing class is annotated with @isTest(SeeAllData=true).
    @isTest static void myTestMethod2() {
        // Can access all data in the organization.
This second example shows how to apply the isTest(SeeAllData=true) annotation on a test method. Because the class that the test method is contained in isn’t defined with this annotation, you have to apply this annotation on the test method to enable access to all data for that test method. The second test method doesn’t have this annotation, so it can access only the data it creates in addition to objects that are used to manage your organization, such as users.
// This class contains test methods with different data access levels.
private class ClassWithDifferentDataAccess {
    // Test method that has access to all data.
    static void testWithAllDataAccess() {
        // Can query all data in the organization.     
    // Test method that has access to only the data it creates
    // and organization setup and metadata objects.
    @isTest static void testWithOwnDataAccess() {
        // This method can still access the User object.
        // This query returns the first user object.
        User u = [SELECT UserName,Email FROM User LIMIT 1];
        System.debug('UserName: ' + u.UserName);
        System.debug('Email: ' + u.Email);
        // Can access the test invoice that is created here.
        Invoice_Statement__c inv = new Invoice_Statement__c(
                                   Description__c='Invoice 1');
        insert inv;     
        // Access the invoice that was just created.
        Invoice_Statement__c insertedInv = [SELECT Id,Description__C
                                FROM Invoice_Statement__c
                                WHERE Description__c='Invoice 1'];
        System.assert(insertedInv != null);

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